Tezos vs Cardano

October 15, 2021

Tezos vs Cardano - A Comparison

When it comes to blockchain technology, two platforms that are often compared are Tezos and Cardano. Both of these platforms have distinct features and have gained popularity in their respective ecosystems. In this article, we will look at the differences between Tezos and Cardano and compare their features in an unbiased manner.


Tezos is a blockchain protocol that was launched in 2018. It was created by Arthur Breitman and his wife Kathleen Breitman who are former Wall Street analysts. Tezos is designed to be a self-amending blockchain that can evolve over time without the need for hard forks.

On the other hand, Cardano is a blockchain platform that was launched in 2017 by IOHK, a blockchain R&D company. The platform is based on peer-reviewed academic research and has been designed to be a scalable and sustainable network.

Consensus Mechanism

Both Tezos and Cardano use a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. However, there are some differences in the way they implement PoS.

Tezos uses a delegated PoS consensus mechanism where token holders can delegate their tokens to validators who are responsible for securing the network. Validators are then rewarded with newly minted XTZ tokens.

Cardano, on the other hand, uses a PoS consensus mechanism called Oroboros. This consensus mechanism is designed to be highly scalable and secure. It separates the network into smaller parts called "slots" with each slot being responsible for validating a small portion of the transactions.


Governance is an important aspect of blockchain platforms as it allows stakeholders to make important decisions about the network. Tezos and Cardano have different governance models.

Tezos has an on-chain governance model where stakeholders can vote on proposed changes to the network. This allows for a more democratic decision-making process and allows stakeholders to have a say in the direction of the network.

Cardano, on the other hand, has a treasury system where a portion of the block rewards are allocated to a treasury fund. These funds can then be used to fund the development of the platform.

Smart Contract Language

Tezos uses the Michelson programming language for smart contract development. Michelson is a highly secure and formally verified language. It has been designed to prevent potential bugs and vulnerabilities in smart contracts.

Cardano, on the other hand, uses the Plutus programming language for smart contract development. Plutus is based on the Haskell language which is known for its reliability and strong type system.


In conclusion, both Tezos and Cardano have their own distinct features and strengths. Tezos is designed to be a self-amending blockchain that can evolve over time without hard forks while Cardano is designed to be a scalable and sustainable network. While both platforms use a PoS consensus mechanism, they implement it in different ways.

Both of these platforms are worth keeping an eye on as they continue to evolve and develop over time.


  1. Tezos Official Website
  2. Cardano Official Website
  3. Tezos vs Cardano: Which is better?
  4. Tezos Whitepaper

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